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Pitch Deck

Emmviron creates a pitch deck that encapsulates a concise presentation that provides an overview of your business to potential investors or stakeholders.

Here's how we provide these services:

Client Assessment

Emmviron Consulting begins by understanding the client's business, goals, and the purpose of the pitch deck, whether it's for fundraising, partnerships, or other purposes.

Content Strategy

We work with the client to determine the key messages and content that should be included in the pitch deck.


Emmviron helps craft a compelling narrative that conveys the client's unique value proposition, mission, and vision.

Visual Design

Emmviron focuses on creating a visually appealing and professional design for the pitch deck. This includes layout, typography, and graphic elements.

Slides Development

We assist in structuring the pitch deck with sections such as the statement, solution, market opportunity, business model, traction, team, and financials.

Data & Visuals

The pitch deck is enriched with data, charts, and visuals to support key points and statistics.

Competitive Analysis

Information about competitors, market positioning, and differentiation is included to showcase our client's strengths.

Financial Projections

If necessary, we help integrate financial projections and investment requests into the pitch deck.

Presentation Coaching

We provide presentation coaching and tips for the client to deliver a persuasive pitch effectively.

We have handled over 80+ pitch decks and our clients have raised over 100 Million Naira with our Pitch Deck.

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